My position on Science, Religion, and the Nature of Existence
I am not a scientist, but I believe in science. I would never argue with a scientist on any scientific subject. But I would argue with them when they venture into territories that have nothing to do with science.
I am not religious, in fact, I am strongly anti-religious. I am a Darwinian. Life on earth evolved via natural selection. I see no evidence for biological intelligent design. I think it is very likely that life also evolved in many other places throughout the universe. That is, however, only a logical deduction. There is no scientific evidence of other life in the universe, and likely any such evidence will forever be beyond our reach.
I agree with perhaps ninety to ninety-five percent of cosmologists who agree that the universe is extremely fine-tuned. However, there is no scientific evidence as to how the universe became so fine-tuned. However, I believe the logical conclusion points to some kind of cosmic entity or intelligence as a fine-tuner. And if that is the case, then this fine-tuner would likely have a logical reason for doing so.
I agree with many scientists, like Jim Baggott, John Horgan, Sabine Hossenfelder, and many others, that such concepts as the multiverse, string theory, and the anthropic principle are not science. To quote John Horgan, “These multiverse theories all share the same fundamental defect: They can be neither confirmed nor falsified. Hence, they don’t deserve to be called Science. – Multiverse theories aren’t theories—they’re science fiction, theologies, works of the imagination unconstrained by evidence.”
I am not a materialist. I believe there is overwhelming evidence for the existence of the non-physical spiritual world. I believe that evidence is denied because of, in the words of Neal Grossman, resistance to a paradigm change, intellectual arrogance, and social taboo.
That evidence will be discussed in future essays on this blog. These essays will, very likely, be part of my next and last book.
But for now, enjoy the short essay below.
Sodom and Gomorrah
The Rest of the Story